Titansoft General Manager Awarded as One of the 2018 Taiwan 100 Mvp Managers by Manager Today Magazine

Singapore Announcements

In a time of VUCA, how might an organization ensure stable progress? Leadership and management expert, John C. Maxwell once said, "Change is inevitable. Growth is optional." In his opening speech, founder of Manager Today magazine Mr He Fei Peng mentioned that this is a time of change and what propels progress are the leaders across industries – regardless of their titles, with one common objective to do things right and well, to create value and become the MVP of their organization.

Titansoft embraced change in 2014, adopting an Agile mindset, shifting from a position of reaction to proaction, from OEM to ODM. With self-managing teams creating more value and better team cohesion, we started with small-scale attempts and expanded once we achieved a modicum of success, relying on empirical transformation to absorb the results brought about by change.

Titansoft's General Manager Tomas Li Awarded 100MVP Manager 2018

Thanks to the Manager Magazine for validating the efforts we have made in our Agile transformation; a process with steady improvements one step at a time. Management expert Professor Xu Shijun's comment after our agile transformation sharing also served as further encouragement for our transformation journey, "you did great, having done plenty of experimentation and breakthrough in business management. You have the courage to do what many people are saying but few have done."

Thank you to all Titaners for making it possible for us to live by motto, to Never Stop Improving!

Titansoft's General Manager Tomas Li Awarded 100MVP Manager 2018

Titansoft General Manager Awarded as One of the 2018 Taiwan 100 Mvp Managers by Manager Today Magazine

